Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Contacting our staff
Year co-ordinators are the first point of contact for matters relating to your child's schooling (non-course related).
If you have a matter relating to your child's education in a specific course, please contact the relevant Head Teacher.
Contact can be made via the school's email. In the email subject line, please include:
- Attention: Year Co-ordinator or Head Teacher
- Child's full name
- Child's year group
Then please address the information you are enquiring about in an email.
If you have an urgent matter or would prefer to call, please contact our school on 02 9773 9160. Our administration staff will direct your call to the appropriate teacher or deputy principal.
Executive staff and administration
Principal | Ms Lucy Andre |
Deputy Principal | Ms Zeinab Hammoud - Year 7, 9, 11 |
Deputy Principal | Mrs Kylie Rytmeister - Year 8, 10, 12 |
Office Administration Manager | Mrs Bronwyn Hatzis |
Business Manager | Mrs Medeana Harrison |
School Counsellors | Ms Sharon John and Ms Hailey Lynch |
Enrolment Enquiries | Mrs Keryn Brown |
Head teachers
For any communication relating to a student's progress in a specific subject, contact the relevant head teacher.
English (Relieving) | Ms Sarah Gray |
Mathematics | Ms Donna Lee-Duval |
Science | Mrs Heidi Hammond |
HSIE (History and Social Sciences) | Ms Denise O'Brien |
PDHPE (Personal Development/Health/Physical Education (Relieving) | Ms Harmonie Atwill |
TAS (VET Technology and Applied Sciences) | Mrs Karen Saville |
CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts) | Mr Filip Necic |
LOTE (Languages Other Than English) | Mrs Karen Saville |
Administration | Mr Adam Olm |
IT (Information Technology) | Mr Shailesh Sharma |
Wellbeing team
For matters relating to a student's health or wellbeing, contact the Head Teacher Student Support or year co-ordinators.
Head Teacher Student Support | Ms Sue Simonsen |
Head Teacher Student Support (Relieving) | Ms Roula Tambakes |
Learning Support Teacher | Ms Peta Passmore |
Learning Support Teacher | Ms Glynnis Vandergraaf |
Learning Support Teacher | Ms Kylie Thumpkins |
Learning Support Teacher | Mrs Tanya Lorenz |
Learning Support Teacher | Ms Kerry Evans |
Student Support Officer | Ms Gabriela Sandrussi |
Year co-ordinators
Year 7 | Ms Lauren Teasel (Year Co-ordinator) | Ms Hania Darwich (Assistant) |
Year 8 | Ms Emily Towell (Year Co-ordinator) | Ms Leonie Arentz (Assistant) |
Year 9 | Ms Susan Moore (Year Co-ordinator) | Ms Elle Lykourezos (Assistant) |
Year 10 | Ms Karen Halwagy (Year Co-ordinator) | Mr Mark Borg (Assistant) |
Year 11 | Ms Katrina McCarthy (Year Co-ordinator) | Ms Hosun Hun (Assistant) |
Year 12 | Ms Emma Parsons (Year Co-ordinator | Ms Kim Price (Assistant) |
Staff with special responsibilities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students | Mr Daniel Ross, Mrs Karen Saville, Mrs Kylie Rytmeister |
Astronomy Club | Mr Daniel Ross |
Careers Advisers | Ms Linda Downey, Ms Lecia Leigh |
Chess Club | Ms Kylie Holden |
Check-in | Mrs Maree Harrington |
Debating | Ms Karen Mottershead |
Disability Provisions | Ms Lauren Sims |
External VET/TAFE | Ms Linda Downey, Ms Lecia Leigh |
Garden Club | Ms Linda Clutterbuck |
HSC Minimum Standards | Ms Zeinab Hammoud |
Information Technology Support | Mr Rhys Booth, Mr Shailesh Sharma |
Inspiring Student Success Co-ordinator | Ms Kylie Thumpkins |
International Students | Ms Lauren Sims |
Junior Drama Club Year 7 and Year 8) | Ms Elle Lykourezos |
Junior and Senior Dance Ensembles | Ms Amelia Morello |
LaST (Learning and Support Teachers) | Ms Kerry Evans, Ms Tanya Lorenz, Ms Peta Passmore, Ms Kylie Thumpkis |
Literacy and Numeracy | Ms Amelia Morello |
NAPLAN Co-ordinator | Ms Zeinab Hammoud |
NSW School of Languages | Ms Linda Downey/Ms Lecia Leigh |
NSW Saturday School of Community Languages | Ms Linda Downey/Ms Lecia Leigh |
NSW School Spectacular Performances | Ms Amelia Morello |
Premier's Reading Challenge | Ms Kylie Holden |
Premier's Sporting Challenge | Ms Harmonie Atwill |
School Immunisation Program | Ms Sue Simonsen, Ms Roula Tambakes |
Sports Co-ordinators | Ms Harmonie Atwill, Mr Mark Borg, Ms Marium Ibrahim |
SRE (Scripture Co-ordinator) | Ms Denise O'Brien |
STEM | Mr Shailesh Sharma |
Teacher Librarian | Ms Kylie Holden |
VET (Vocational Education Trainiing) | Ms Karen Saville |
Virtuoso (Creative and Performing Arts Performance) | Mr Filip Necic |
Year 6 Project High School Program | Mr Filip Necic |