East Hills Girls Technology High School

Honor Ante Honores

Telephone02 9773 9160


Vocational Education & Training

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are part of the Higher School Certificate (HSC). These courses teach you skills and knowledge for specific jobs and industries.

Benefits of VET Courses

  • Get both your HSC and a national qualification or statement of attainment.
  • These qualifications are recognised across Australia by employers, universities, and training providers.
  • VET helps you move into further education, training, or straight into work.

How VET Courses are assessed

  • Competency-based: students are tested on what you can do (skills) and what you know (knowledge).
  • Real-world skills: students learn to perform tasks to the standard expected in the workplace.

VET courses offered

At East Hills Girls Technology High School, we offer VET courses in:

  • Business services
  • Entertainment
  • Hospitality (Food and beverage)
  • Hospitality (Kitchen operations)
  • Information technology
  • Retail services

Work Placement

All Board of Studies VET courses require students to complete 35 hours of work placement in Year 11 and another 35 hours in Year 12. This totals 70 hours over two years.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

If you are already employed in the industry you are studying, you might be eligible for RPL. This can reduce the number of work placement hours you need to complete.

Work Placement at East Hills Girls Technology High School

We use Canterbury Bankstown Careers Connections (CBCC) to secure work placements for our students. CBCC:

  • Finds suitable work sites for students.
  • Performs safety checks to ensure student safety.

Our teachers help manage and support students throughout their work placement experience. Work placement opportunities are limited. Each student typically receives only one offer per framework per year.

For more information or to discuss your options, please contact the VET Coordinator or Careers Adviser.